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Sharia Court Adjudication: Gendered Perspective
A Symbol of Faith or Culture? Brazil’s Constitutional Dilemma
Religious Freedom: Toward a Pluralist Understanding
Our First Freedom: How Firm a Foundation
When Gender and Nationality Are Enough for Asylum: Commentary on the AH & FN Judgment of the EU Court of Justice
International and National Responses to the Russian Orthodox Church’s Support of Putin’s War in Ukraine
Understanding Religious Freedom: Why Does It Matter?
Conscientious Objection to the Military Service: A Right in Progress
Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide
Infinite, Finite, and Definite Dignity: Reflections on the Catholic Church’s Dignitas Infinita
Law, Religion, and Decolonization
Religious and Anti-religious Hatred: Reflections on the January 2024 Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on FoRB
Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Underexplored Figures and Contexts
The Russian Orthodox Church Beyond Russia: Global Pretensions and Security Concerns
Religious Freedom and SOGI Rights: Reflections on the UN Independent Expert Report
The Pope and the War
The Constitutional Crisis in Israel: Religious Dimension
See All
Konx Thames and Andrea Pin on Religious Minorities in Post-Assad Syria
Webinar: Ukraine’s Law Banning the Russian Orthodox Church and Affiliated Organizations: Politics, Law, and Theology
2024 USCIRF Annual Report and Recommendations: Commentary by Nadine Maenza
Why Did the Israeli Supreme Court Strike Down Judicial Reform? Commentary by Ori Aronson
The Students for Fair Admissions Cases at The Supreme Court: Commentary by Paul Gowder
Video: The Students for Fair Admissions Cases at the Supreme Court: Commentary by Frederick Mark Gedicks
Yeshiva University v. YU Pride Alliance: Comment by Frederick Mark Gedicks
Jerry Pankhurst and Alar Kilp on the Russian Orthodox Church and War
Nadia Bernaz on the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: A Business and Human Rights Perspective
Ukraine’s Church-State Relationship May Be Changed Significantly: Interview with Dmytro Vovk
Walking the Walk for Everyone in the Community: Andrea Schneider on Religion, Gender, and Negotiation in Jewish Communities
Ori Aronson on Religion and the Constitutional Crisis in Israel
Nazila Ghanea on Religious Freedom and Gender Equality as Non-Clashing Rights
András Sajó on Religious Freedom, Constitutionalism, and Democracy in the Jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court
Religious Freedom: Toward a Pluralist Understanding
Brett Scharffs on Teaching Law and Religion Globally
Catherine Wanner on Religion in Post-Communist Countries
Knox Thames on the U.S. Efforts to Advance Religious Freedom Globally
Justice and Accountability for the Yazidi Genocide Ten Years On
The Russian World Narrative and the Russian aggression in Ukraine
Business and Religious Rights
Qur’an-Burning Cases in Europe
Search for:
Sharia Court Adjudication: Gendered Perspective
A Symbol of Faith or Culture? Brazil’s Constitutional Dilemma
Religious Freedom: Toward a Pluralist Understanding
Our First Freedom: How Firm a Foundation
When Gender and Nationality Are Enough for Asylum: Commentary on the AH & FN Judgment of the EU Court of Justice
International and National Responses to the Russian Orthodox Church’s Support of Putin’s War in Ukraine
Understanding Religious Freedom: Why Does It Matter?
Conscientious Objection to the Military Service: A Right in Progress
Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide
Infinite, Finite, and Definite Dignity: Reflections on the Catholic Church’s Dignitas Infinita
Law, Religion, and Decolonization
Religious and Anti-religious Hatred: Reflections on the January 2024 Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on FoRB
Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Underexplored Figures and Contexts
The Russian Orthodox Church Beyond Russia: Global Pretensions and Security Concerns
Religious Freedom and SOGI Rights: Reflections on the UN Independent Expert Report
The Pope and the War
The Constitutional Crisis in Israel: Religious Dimension
See All
Konx Thames and Andrea Pin on Religious Minorities in Post-Assad Syria
Webinar: Ukraine’s Law Banning the Russian Orthodox Church and Affiliated Organizations: Politics, Law, and Theology
2024 USCIRF Annual Report and Recommendations: Commentary by Nadine Maenza
Why Did the Israeli Supreme Court Strike Down Judicial Reform? Commentary by Ori Aronson
The Students for Fair Admissions Cases at The Supreme Court: Commentary by Paul Gowder
Video: The Students for Fair Admissions Cases at the Supreme Court: Commentary by Frederick Mark Gedicks
Yeshiva University v. YU Pride Alliance: Comment by Frederick Mark Gedicks
Jerry Pankhurst and Alar Kilp on the Russian Orthodox Church and War
Nadia Bernaz on the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: A Business and Human Rights Perspective
Ukraine’s Church-State Relationship May Be Changed Significantly: Interview with Dmytro Vovk
Walking the Walk for Everyone in the Community: Andrea Schneider on Religion, Gender, and Negotiation in Jewish Communities
Ori Aronson on Religion and the Constitutional Crisis in Israel
Nazila Ghanea on Religious Freedom and Gender Equality as Non-Clashing Rights
András Sajó on Religious Freedom, Constitutionalism, and Democracy in the Jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court
Religious Freedom: Toward a Pluralist Understanding
Brett Scharffs on Teaching Law and Religion Globally
Catherine Wanner on Religion in Post-Communist Countries
Knox Thames on the U.S. Efforts to Advance Religious Freedom Globally
Justice and Accountability for the Yazidi Genocide Ten Years On
The Russian World Narrative and the Russian aggression in Ukraine
Business and Religious Rights
Qur’an-Burning Cases in Europe
Human Dignity Initiative
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
with an invitation to a global conversation about preserving and protecting human dignity for everyone everywhere
Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere –
A Global Conversation
Initiative Website
The Brochure
Launch in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in December 2018
Preparatory Events
Ongoing Events
Signatories to the Punta del Este Declaration
Talk About Blog Posts
Gordon Smith:
Combating Racism
Robin Fretwell Wilson and Tanner Bean:
Fairness for All: An Answer to the Special Rapporteur’s Call for a Practical Resolution between Freedom of Religion or Belief and LGBT+ Non-discrimination
Donlu Thayer:
COVID-19 and Human Dignity
Ján Figeľ:
COVID-19 Crisis, Human Dignity and Freedom of Religion or Belief
Ewelina Ochab:
COVID-19 Requires an Urgent Response Grounded in Human Rights and Human Dignity
Brett Scharffs:
Can Human Dignity Help Heal Us In Our Coronavirus Moment?
Brett Scharffs:
Freedom of Religion and Belief for Everyone Everywhere: Lessons Learned and Good Practices
Donlu Thayer:
Human Dignity: Building Understanding
Ewelina Ochab:
Beyond equality: How should we aid survivors of genocide?