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Religious Minorities in Post-Assad Syria

By Knox Thames & Andrea Pin

Knox Thames, international human rights lawyer and a senior fellow at Pepperdine University, and Andrea Pin, professor of law at University of Padua, discuss religious minority dynamics in post-Assad Syria.


00:05 – Religious freedom under Assad (Thames)

01:43 – Future of Syrian religious and ethnic diversity (Thames)

04:17 – Are Syrian Alawites in danger? (Thames)

05:34 – The role of the U.S. and international community (Thames)

09:07 – Authoritarian regimes and religious freedom in Middle East (Pin)

13:34 – Post-dictatorship state building and religious minorities in Iraq and Syria (Pin)

18:52 – Alawites and other minorities in post-Assad Syria (Pin)

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FoRB Podcast: Justice and Accountability for the Yazidi Genocide Ten Years On

By Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Merilin Kiviorg & Dmytro Vovk

In Episode 4 of The FoRB Podcast, Merilin Kiviorg and Dmytro Vovk invite Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law to discuss political, legal, and social responses to the 2014 Yazidi genocide committed by ISIS. Jocelyn elaborates on the roots of the genocide and addresses the challenges and threats Yazidi communities have faced post-genocide. She also discusses state responsibility and measures, often ineffective, implemented by the Iraqi government and other national and international actors to hold perpetrators accountable. Jocelyn further explains why detention camps for former ISIS members and their families can foster a new circle of violence and how the Yazidi genocide has changed our understanding of international criminal law.

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Despite the long-established provenance and reach of religious freedom discourse, religious freedom remains an under-fulfilled promise in many contexts and has been under siege in others. Reports by international organizations, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations point to continuing violations of religious freedom worldwide. As a result, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief Heiner Bielefeldt has called religious freedom a “human right under pressure.”

Some have even questioned whether religion is fundamentally inconsistent with human rights, particularly equal protection for women and minorities. Religion has been criticized as a source of oppression of the human rights of women and minorities, including sexual minorities and religious minorities (where oppressed by majority religions).

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At its core, religious freedom matters because it speaks to and honors that which makes humans utterly unique among all creation. We are the only inhabitants of this world who are uniquely hardwired to ask questions about the meaning of life: Who are we? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Where are we going? This unique and profound singularity of humans is the key to what gives meaning, purpose, and dignity to our lives. Socrates famously said, “the unexamined life is not worth living.”[1] Because this singular curiosity is so intrinsic to what it means to be human, protecting the quest to answer these questions and then, importantly, being allowed to live one’s life in accordance with the answers one receives truly is foundational to the whole human rights project. So many other fundamental rights flow from this wellspring right: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association—the most basic parental rights that are protected in the Universal Declaration. All of these flow from this wellspring right of freedom of conscience and belief. So religious freedom is important, first and foremost, because it is intrinsic to our identity and our dignity as human beings.

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