Andrea Pin (JD, University of Padua; PhD, Univeristy of Turin) is Full Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Padua Law School, and Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Law & Religion Emory University. He has held visiting positions at Emory University, Notre Dame University, and Trinity College, Dublin. In 2014 he was Visiting Fellow, Kellogg Center for International Studies, Notre Dame University. Between 2011 and 2013 he clerked for the Italian Constitutional Court’s Judge Marta Cartabia. His articles have appeared in the Yale Journal of International Law, the Texas Journal of International Law, the German Law Journal, the Emory International Law Review, the George Washington International Law Review, the Brigham Young University Law Review, the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, the St. John’s Law Review, and the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. He authored The Legal Treatment of Muslim Minorities in Italy (Ashgate 2016) and Religious Freedom Without the Rule of Law: The Constitutional Odysseys of Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq and the Fate of the Middle East (Brill 2024).
Talk About posts by Andrea Pin:
- Video: Religious Minorities in post-Assad Syria
- The Madness of War and the Weapons of the Spirit: The Catholic Church and Peace for Ukraine
- Religious Rulings and Nonreligious Judges: The Importance of Legal Education
- Christianity, Human Rights, and Dignity: Squaring the Triangle (with Brett G. Scharffs and Dmytro Vovk)
- The Place of Religion in the Public Sphere: Speaking the Unspeakable
- The Rule of Law and the Place of Religion: Lessons from the Pandemic
- Protecting Religious Freedom from Fear: Italian Lessons on Islam, the Public Sphere, and the Limits of Judicial Review (with Luca Pietao Vanoni)
- An Early Good Friday, at Last: When Too Many Bells Toll in Italy