Dr. Eugenia Relaño Pastor is Law Professor at Complutense University, Madrid (Spain) and a Senior Researcher with the Law and Anthropology Department at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, Germany, as well as Scientific Coordinator of the CUREDI (Cultural and Religious Diversity) legal database project and Qualified Professor of Law and Religion granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education in 2006.

She was appointed as Legal Adviser for the Spanish Ombudsman for Migration and Equal Treatment (2004-2017) and worked as a legal trainer for National Human Rights Institutions in short missions in Kazakhstan, Armenia, Macedonia, and Turkey. She was a Fulbright Fellow in the Salzburg Seminar in 2001 and has been a visiting scholar at the University of Ottawa (1998), the University of California at Berkeley (1999), Institute of Human Rights in Oslo (2000), Harvard Law School (2001), the Institute of Comparative and European Law at the University of Oxford (2002), and the Robbins Collection at the University of California at Berkeley (2004). She was a member of the Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion and Belief of the OSCE/ODIHR (2005-2012) and a Spanish representative for the Legal Working Group (LWG) of the European Group of National Human Rights Institutions (Council of Europe). Her research expertise includes international religious freedom, comparative law, equality and non-discrimination, religious and national minorities, xenophobia, multiculturalism, and immigration.

Among her latest publications are “Rethinking the Notion of ‘Integration’: Building the Conditions for Cohesive and Multicultural Societies” in European Center for Minorities Issues (ECMI) Handbook; Participation of Minorities in Public Life: Compilation of Lectures, 1-28 (2018); “Religion Discrimination in the Workplace” in EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender: Achievements, Flaws and Prospects, Hart U. Belavusau & K. Henrard eds. (Cambridge 2018); “The European Court of Human Rights: Fundamental Assumptions that Have a Chilling Effect on the Protection of Religious Diversity” in Public Commissions on Ethnic, Cultural, and Religious Diversity: National Narratives, Multiple Identities, and Minorities, Katayoun Alidadi & Marie-Claire Foblets eds. (Routledge 2018); ”Islamophobic  Prejudices in the European Supranational Courts,” Journal of the Sociology and Theory of Religion 7 (2018); “When Religious Discrimination Is Not Related to Religion or Belief” in International Labor Rights Case Law, vol. 5, issue 3 (2019) 325-329; “EU Initiatives on a European Humanitarian Visa,” Humanitarian Admission to Europe, Marie-Claire Foblets and Luc Leboeuf eds., “The Law between Promises and Constraints,” Schriften zum Migrationsrecht, vol. 30 (Nomos 2020), 341-366.

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