Merilin Kiviorg (DPhil Oxford, Mag. iur. cum laude Tartu) is an associate professor in International Law, University of Tartu, School of Law. She obtained her doctorate as well as taught international law at the University of Oxford. She was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Floence. Her primary research fields are human rights, law and religion, religion and security, religion in a public space and in education. She is currently a principal investigator in the project “Russia and Consolidation of Regional International Law in Eurasia.” She is often advising governmental and non-governmental bodies in Estonia in the field of human rights. She has served as a member of the Chancellor of Justice’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights in Estonia, as a member of the OSCE/ODHIR Advisory Panel on Freedom of Religion or Belief (2016-2022), and as a president of the European Consortium for Church and State Research (ECCSR). She is currently a board member of the ECCSR.

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