Blog Webinar: Law, Religion, and Coronavirus in the United States:
A Six-Month Assessment

Co-organized by
- International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University
- Law School Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University Law School
- Notre Dame Program on Church, State & Society, Notre Dame Law School Center for Law and Religion,
- St. Johns University School of Law
- Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
Panel 1. Constitutional Law
- Doriane Coleman, Religious Exemptions to COVID Vaccination Requirements
- Caroline Mala Corbin, Religious Liberty in a Pandemic: Constitutional Challenges to Mass Gathering Bans
- Cole Durham, Jr., Coronavirus, the Compelling State Interest in Health, and Religious Autonomy
- Jeffrey Hammond and Michael DeBoer, Conflicts between Religious Liberty and the New Public Health
- Samuel J. Levine, Hands-Off Religion in the Early Months of COVID-19
Panel 2. Law, Religion, and Culture
- Robin Fretwell Wilson, Respecting the Needs of Worshippers is Essential to Containing COVID-19
- Kathleen Brady, COVID-19 and Restrictions on Religious Institutions: Constitutional Implications
- Angela Carmella, Commemorating Lives Lost in Times of Pandemic and Protest
- Andrew Lewis and Daniel Bennett, Church Closures, Religious Freedom, and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Assessing the Christian Legal Movement’s Response
- Joanna Smith, Slaughterhouses as Sites of Exception
- Isabel Park, Worldview and Spirituality: Outlooks of the Church and Individuals Shaped by Crisis
Panel 3. Legal and Religious Practice(s)
- Matthew Cavedon, Attention: Physical Presence for Court and the Catholic Church
- Patrick Hornbeck, Revival Statutes, Clergy Sexual Abuse, and COVID-19
- Dwight Newman, When the State Tells You How to Run Your Church Service: Analyzing Coronavirus Guidance Documents on Religious Services
- Daniela Tarantino, The ‘Drive Confession:’ The Care of Souls in a Pandemic
- Alejandro González-Varas Ibáňez, Law, Religion, and Coronavirus between the United States and the European Union
Panel 4. Religious Organizations
- Mary Anne Case, COVID and Egalitarian Catholic Women’s Movements
- Christopher Lund, Quarantines, Religious Groups, and Some Questions About Equality
- Adelaide Madera, The Impact of Coronavirus on Public Funding of Religious Organizations
- Zachary Pohlman, ‘Churches’ in a Time of Coronavirus
Panel 5. Theological Implications/Reflections
- Paul Marshall, Political Theology and Church Restrictions
- Terri Montague, Redeeming Justice
- Brett G. Scharffs, The COVID Crisis as a Crisis of Trust
- Anton Sorkin, Christian Public Engagement in a Time of Crisis
- George Walters-Sleyon, Through the Eyes of James Cone: COVID-19, Police Brutality, and The Black Church