Yeshiva University v. YU Pride Alliance: Comment by Frederick Mark Gedicks

Yeshiva University, one of the oldest Jewish institutions of higher education in the United States, refused to recognize a student “Pride Alliance” club based on its inconsistency with Torah values. A group of students and alumni has sued the university, demanding official recognition of the club. On 14 September 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to protect the university from a New York trial court order requiring it to recognize the LGBTQ+ club.

BYU Law Professor Frederick Mark Gedicks comments on the main issue of the case, elaborates on the strongest arguments in favor of Yeshiva’s and the club’s positions, and tries to predict how the U.S. Supreme Court would decide this case on merits.


0:18 – The main issue of the case

1:15 – Doctrinal controversies related to the case

3:54 – The strongest argument in favor of the university

9:13 – The strongest argument in favor of the student club

12:09 – How would the U.S. Supreme Court decide the case?