Dignitas Infinita. A Theological Commentary

Antonio Autiero is Emeritus Professor of Moral Theology at University of Münster (Germany).

The title of the Declaration of the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published on 8 April 2024, merits particular attention, due less to its originality (since it takes up an expression recurrent in earlier texts by the papal magisterium) than to the evocative space—both interesting and provocative—created by the image of the infinite in the adjective chosen to describe the dignity of which the document speaks.


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Why Should Human Dignity Be Defined as Infinite? Brief Reflections on Dignitas Infinita

Benedetta Vimercati is an associate professor of constitutional law at the University of Milan.

Referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Jacques Maritain stated,

Here we are no longer dealing with the mere enumeration of Human Rights, but with the principle of dynamic unification whereby they are brought into play, with the tone scale, with the specific key in which different kinds of music are played on the same keyboard, music which in the event is in tune with, or harmful to, human dignity.


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Torah, War, Politics, and the Supreme Court: The 2024 Military Service of Ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva Students Bill

Moshe Jaffe is a constitutional law adjunct professor at the Academic Center of Law and Science in Israel and an adjunct professor at Cardozo School of Law. He is also a SJD candidate at the University of Michigan Law School.


The tragic events of 7 October and the subsequent war in Gaza have reignited longstanding tension in Israel regarding the draft of Ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students. This issue has been impacted as well by recent rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court, which have brought the matter back into public debate. This post aims to simplify this extremely complex issue and guide the reader through developments leading to the recent bill currently being considered by the Knesset. Given the brevity of this post, its focus is on recent developments and specifically on the 2024 bill rather than a comprehensive historical review.


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